
Firstport’s alums nominated for the 2024 Social Enterprise Scotland Awards

This article spotlights the impressive list of Firstport-supported social entrepreneurs who have secured nominations for the prestigious 2024 Social Enterprise Scotland Awards.

Social Enterprise Scotland has announced the shortlist for their ‘2024 Social Enterprise Awards’, recognising outstanding businesses dedicated to social and environmental good.

From Social Enterprise of the Year to Tech for Good, the nominees represent a diverse range of impactful organisations. Find the full list of shortlisted social entrepreneurs and their remarkable achievements here.

Firstport is delighted to see numerous social enterprises we have supported over the years among the shortlisted candidates. This recognition underscores the power of collaboration and the positive impact of our programmes.

Here are some of these shortlisted social enterprises demonstrating the transformative impact of Firstport’s support.

  • Braw Talent is nominated for the ‘Tech for Good’ award, using technology to empower young people (ages 8-25) to explore the creative sector through engaging workshops and educational resources. Firstport’s Start It and Build It funds have contributed to their growth and success.

  • Courtyard Pantry is a finalist in the ‘One to Watch’ category for its innovative approach to tackling poverty through food. With the support of Firstport’s Catalyst Fund, it has successfully navigated inflationary challenges.
A box full of food
  • The Haven in Stonehaven is making a significant impact on community wellness through their holistic approach to health, environmental and community sector. Shortlisted in the ‘Health and Social Care’ category, their journey has been supported by Firstport’s Start It programme. It’s an honor to have Starkeeper Morton, founder of The Haven, as a member of the Firstport board.

  • The Highland Weigh (THW) is nominated for ‘One to Watch’ category for leading role towards a sustainable future with its zero-waste café and shop. Supported by Firstport’s Catalyst Fund, THW is leading the charge towards sustainable retail by reducing plastic waste.

  • Pride Outside is nominated for both the ‘One to Watch’ and ‘Building Diversity, Inclusion, Equity and Justice’ categories for providing LGBTQ+ Diversity and Inclusion training for organisations and individuals.Firstport’s Start It, Build It and Boost It programmes have been instrumental in its growth.

  • Stitch the Gap is a finalist in the ‘Environmental Social Enterprise’ category for its exceptional work in reducing, reusing, and repurposing textiles. Driven by a passion for bridging the sewing machine skills gap, the organisation has made significant strides since 2019. Firstport has been a dedicated partner throughout their journey, providing support through Start It, Build It, and Boost It programmes.
A group of spools of thread
  • Sunny Cycles, a Glasgow-based social enterprise, has marked its presence under the ‘One to Watch’ category by revolutionising cycling accessibility with its inclusive approach to cycling lessons for ages 6+ and people with disabilities. Firstport’s Start It programme recognised their potential and provided crucial support for inclusive cycling.

In addition to funding, these social enterprises have benefited from tailored business support from Firstport’s expert team of business advisors. These remarkable social enterprises exemplify the spirit of innovation and social impact. Firstport is proud to be a part of their journeys and looks forward to celebrating their achievements at the awards ceremony.

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