Case Studies

Upala-Haven Yoga

Angela McHardy, founder of Upala-Haven Yoga, has had an inspiring journey to setting up her social enterprise. Her inspiration came from having perional experience with Parkinson’s disease.

Angela McHardy, founder of Upala-Haven Yoga, has had an inspiring journey to setting up her social enterprise. Her inspiration came from having perional experience with Parkinson’s disease.

Receiving this life-changing diagnosis, in 2015, Angela refused to let the disease alter her positive attitude, and believes that a negative mind hinders a positive life. She set up Upala-haven Yoga as a way to spread positive energy and have a positive influence on others.

You cannot let this disease define you, you must create your own definition of this new life.

Believing that yoga has slowed the progression of Angela’s disease, she wanted to share its benefits with as many others as possible. She has developed a series of yoga and relaxation programmes that are targeted towards those who suffer from physical, mental and/or emotional challenges.
Angela was awarded a £4940 Start It award in 2017 to develop her ideas and get her social enterprise up and running. Upala-Haven Yoga now has its own premises, runs 3 full classes, and receives 100% positive feedback from those attending. Angela also offers individual consultations and has organised a two-day event for people with Parkinson’s in business. The social enterprise is also exploring new avenues, with Angela beginning an Out of School Care programme which provides yoga classes for children.
