Case Studies


Dechomai Events was founded by Bayile Adeoti to promote diversity and community integration through delivering events and paid work place training.

Bayile Adeoti was inspired to start her social enterprise to address the lack of opportunities and role models for black and ethnic minority women and youth in the hospitality industry. Dechomai Events aims to bridge the gap between the needs of the growing BME migrant communities and existing support provision in Scotland.

Dechomai delivers events for businesses, individuals and third sector organisations to generate revenue. These events provide work experience and training for BME service users. Dechomai also provides funding scholarships, free enterprise workshops and community events for BME women and youth.

We caught up with Bayile to discuss her experience starting a social enterprise.

Do you have any top tips for someone thinking of starting a social enterprise?

Go for it! The Firstport business advisors are there to help, listen to their feedback and learn to persevere! Funding is competitive so if at first you don’t succeed, even if its the second or third time … keep going! You need to be resilient as an entrepreneur.

Find out more or buy a hamper at the Dechomai website.