
Use the drop-down filters to search by type or topic to find resources to help you on your social enterprise journey.

Starting Up: Social Mission and Impact

Do you have an idea about how to create a positive change in your community? Could your idea become a social enterprise? In this blog series, we will talk about the most important things to think about if you want to start a social enterprise.

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Starting Up: Social Mission and Impact

Social Investment: Are you ready?

You have probably heard entrepreneurs talk about getting ready for investment, but what does it entail?

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Social Investment: Are you ready?

Starting Up: What is Social Enterprise?

Do you have an idea about how to create a positive change in your community? Could your idea become a social enterprise? In this blog series, we will talk about the most important things to think about if you want to start a social enterprise.

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Starting Up: What is Social Enterprise?

7 podcasts for social entrepreneurs

The School for Social Entrepreneurs has collated this list of great podcasts, as recommended by social entrepreneurs themselves.

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7 podcasts for social entrepreneurs

Social investment: The Basics

In this blog series, we’ll bring you the basics of social investment.

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Social investment: The Basics

Social Shifters

Register for free to access the learning and community based platform designed for social and environmental changemakers.

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Social Shifters

Free digital outreach support

Support from Inspiring Scotland and other signposted organisations to improve your charity or social enterprise’s digital outreach.

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Free digital outreach support

Cyber Safety Training

Watch this recorded webinar from Business Gateway for discussion and insight on the dangers posed by cyber threats, and guidance on preventative actions you can take to protect your business online.

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Cyber Safety Training

Creating Killer Content

This episode of the Charity Digital podcast talks all about content and how you can utilise it to benefit your organisation.

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Creating Killer Content